Your blood sugar may be
extremely high or a meter or a
test strip error has occurred. If
this confirms how you feel,
contact your doctor
immediately. If it does not
confirm how you feel, repeat
the test and refer to Chapter 3, "Unusual Test
Results." If this does not confirm how you feel,
run a control test with your control solution and
a new test strip. If the control result is within the
acceptable range, review the proper testing
procedure and repeat your blood sugar test with
a new test strip. If the E-3 code still appears for
your blood sugar test, your blood sugar result
may be extremely high and above the system's
reading range. Contact your doctor
immediately. If the control result is not within
the acceptable range, see Chapter 2,
"Understanding Control Test Results."
Not enough blood or control
solution was drawn into the test
strip for measurement or was
applied after the test has
started. Discard the test strip
and repeat the test.
The code key is from an expired
lot of test strips. Ensure the
code key number matches the
code number on the test strip
container. Make sure the time
and date in the meter are