We are going to see the file of each key in the following drawing. In the case of the TP00FI-16P key (channel) we have
searched for DE11056 and in the case of the key TP00FO-24P (channel) we have searched for code 2500.
On one hand we have the information part (I) related to the key, the name of the file, series, the blank key that in this
case is TP00FI-16P and TP00FO-24P.
On the other hand we have the tooth code obtained from the original code of the key:
TP00FI-16P -> Code: DE11056 -> Biting: DDCCDCAA
TP00FO-24P -> Code: 2500 -> Biting: 5443543132
On another hand, we have essential information (J) about the cutter, feeler and jaw for this key, initially they are the
standards already set in the machine. Clicking on the icon to see (
case of the TP00FO-24P key it shows us in which position of the jaw the point limit plate of the key is introduced.
Key TP00FO-24P
Cutter 1F
Key TP00FI-16P
Cutter 1F
) we have an image of each element and in the
Jaw A1 B1 Limit 1
Jaw A1 B1 Limit 1