1. Unscrew the PowerMount cable gland clamp from the terminal.
2. Remove the inner plastic grommet of the gland from the terminal enclosure.
3. Slide the outer part of the gland and the plastic grommet down the cable. Fit the grommet into
4. Unbraid the individual strands of the inner braided shield. Fold the individual strands of the
Figure 2-68: Removing the Cable Gland Clamp
Figure 2-69: PowerMount Cable Gland Clamp and Grommet Disassembled
the gland. Position the plastic grommet so the end of it aligns with the end of the cable jacket.
Figure 2-70: Cable Gland Installed on Cable
inner braided shield back over the grommet. The individual strands should be uniformly
distributed around the outer surface of the grommet. Trim the strands so they cover the end of
the plastic grommet but not the O-ring.
Figure 2-71: Inner Shield Unbraided and Folded Back over Grommet
METTLER TOLEDO IND570 Terminal Installation Manual
Plastic grommet