1. Intended use / population / contraindication
Intended use
The Symphony breast pump is intended to be used by lactating women in the
hospital or home environment for expressing breast milk.
Indications for use
The Symphony breast pump is indicated to initiate, build and maintain a lactating
woman's milk supply. It is also indicated to
l alleviate the symptoms of engorgement and milk stasis by expressing milk.
l support the healing process in case of mastitis by removing breastmilk from
the affected breast.
l relieve sore and cracked nipples.
l bring out flat or inverted nipples.
l provide breast milk for infants which are not able to directly breastfeed
(e.g. latch-on problems, cleft palate and premature infants).
There are no known contraindications for the Symphony breast pump and
pump sets.
Product description
The Symphony multi-user breast pump is provided with the Symphony PLUS
program card, which generates the pump suction patterns. The program card
contains two pump programs. The goal of the INITIATE program is to initiate milk
production with Medela's initiation technology. The MAINTAIN program is designed
to build and maintain milk production with the 2-Phase Expression technology.
In some cases, the Symphony breast pump is provided with the Standard program
card to generate the pump suction patterns. This program is designed to build and
maintain milk production with 2-Phase Expression technology. While the Standard
card can be used to initiate lactation, Medela recommends using the INITIATE
program of the Symphony PLUS program card.
The 2-Phase Expression technology mimics the baby's natural sucking rhythm.
Short, stimulating cycles in the stimulation phase are followed by longer ones in
the expression phase.
* Symphony is a trademark of Medela AG