n the event o damage to the mains su
centre a
the manu acturer who have the necessar tools and e ui ment to carr out an
re airs ro erl
e airs carried out
Use onl genuine s are arts
our cooker hood
hen ordering s are arts uote the model num er and serial num er written on the rating late,
which is ound on the casing ehind the grease filters inside the hood
roo o
urchase will e re uired when re uesting service
availa le when re uesting service as this constitutes the date rom which our guarantee commenced
uarantee does not cover
- amage or calls resulting rom trans ortation, im ro er use or neglect, the re lacement o an light
ul s or filters or remova le arts o glass or lastic
hese items are considered to e consuma le under the terms o this guarantee
his a
liance com lies with uro ean regulations on low voltages irective
sa et , and with the ollowing uro ean regulations
i ilit and irective
hen this crossed-out wheeled in s m ol
the uro ean directive
materials and com onents, which can e rec cled and reused lease in orm oursel a out the local
se arate collection s stem or electrical and electronic roduct
and do not dis ose o our old roducts with our normal household waste
old roduct will hel
l ca le, this can onl
other ersons will invalidate the guarantee
hould these warnings ail to e o served it could a ect the sa et o
revent otential negative conse uences or the environment and human health
e re laced
here ore, lease have our recei t
is attached to a roduct it means the roduct is cov-
our roduct is designed and manu actured with high ualit
lease act according to our local rules
at a
roved re air
on electrical
on electromagnetic com at-
he correct dis osal o our