After completely filling out this sheet including signatures, copy and return the original to the
manufacturer. The copy must remain in the manual.
BlitzRotary GmbH
Hüfinger Straße 55
D-78199 Bräunlingen
The automotive lift with the......................................
serial number:............................................
at the firm:.................................................
The initial safety check was carried out and the lift was started.
The installation was carried out by the operating authority/competent (please delete as applicable).
The initial safety check was carried out by a competent person before the initial operation.
The operating authority confirms the correct installation of the automotive lift. The competent
person confirms the correct initial operation.
Used Dowels (*):_________________________________(Typ/Name)
Minimum anchorage depth (*) kept:
Starting torque (*) kept:
(*) observe the description of the dowel manufacturer
Your customer service:.....................................................................................................(stamp)
Record of installation
____________ NM
name of the operating authority
name of the competent person
was installed on:...............................................
signature of the operating authority
signature of the competent person