If you need to count a different batch amount than 100, 50, 20, or 10 use press the "+" or "-" buttons to reach your desired batch
amount. If you press the button quickly the number will move slowly up or down. If you hold down the buttons the number will move
rapidly up or down. To exit batch mode continue to press the batch button till the red dot in the corner is turned off and the display
reads 0.
Addition mode (ADD)
ADD mode will add the number bills counted in more than one stack. To use ADD mode count a stack of bills. The number of bills
counted will be shown on the display. Insert a new stack of bills into the hopper. Press the ADD button to add that new stack of bills
to the total of the previous stack. Continue to press the ADD button to begin counting as long as you would like to add the totals. To
clear the total, press the start button.