Food processor blender and lid
The full-size blender attachment has all the power
and capacity of an expensive, conventional blender,
but takes up much less space. Use your food pro-
cessor blender anytime you need to whip up family-
size batches of milkshakes, pancakes batters, or to
make big batches of your favourite frozen cocktails
at your next party.
The blender lid comes with a pop-top for slipping in
ingredients while the motor is running, mess free.
Food processor and juice extractor kit
These two pieces, the extractor and plunger trans-
form your food processor into the food processor
juicer that does the same job as conventional juic-
ers. However, the food processor juicer cleans up in
seconds and is dishwasher-safe.
Shaker, steamer tops
Your food processor comes with two handy shaker/
steamer tops that are used for steaming foods in
the microwave, or as shaker tops.
Stay-fresh resealable lids
You can prepare, cook and store your food in the
very same vessel. No plastic wrap or storage con-
tainers are needed to keep your leftovers fresh.
Your food processor comes with two stay-fresh re-
sealable lids that fit right on the short and tall cups,
and party mugs to keep your leftovers fresh for
days. Only use the shaker/steamer tops to heat
food in the microwave.