Remote management (via WAN): Allow or Deny the remote management function
Ping form WAN Filter: Enable or Disable ping from WAN on requirement
Block port scan: Enable or Disable block port scan.
Block SYN Flood: Enable or Disable block SYN flood.
SPI Firewall: Enable or Disable SPI firewall.
Select Admin > Management to access the following screen:
Administrator Settings: To set new account, type new account and password, and
then click Apply to confirm your configuration.
NTP Settings
Current Time:
Sync with host: Updates the unit's time from the web management PC's system time.
Time Zone:
Specifies the time zone in relation to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
NTP Server:
The IP address or URL of the NTP server to be used.
NTP synchronization (Hours):
Click Apply to confirm your configuration to the adaptor.
Displays the current system time on the unit.
Sets the SNTP sycnronization in hours.