Robot is outside the boundary lines.
Does not start after pressing the „Start"
button. Boundary line signal does not
light up.
Does not start after pressing the „Start"
button. - Poor charging contact
Does not start after pressing the „Start"
button. - Battery voltage too low
Robot is outside the boundary wire? Boundary wire
is connected the wrong way round? Robot is too far
from the boundary.?
Check the cable connections and restart the robot
Check the status LED of the charging station. If
the LED flashes red, the boundary line is broken or
the boundary wire is not connected to the station.
Please check the connection.
Clean the charging contacts and remove any
foreign objects. Place the robot back on the char-
ging station and let it charge fully. Restart the robot
while it is still on the charging station.
Place the robot back on the charging station and let
it charge fully.