If the channel or the transmitter is different you will not be able to memorise the channel.
5. End of the memory procedure. LED "L1" will remain lit for 2 seconds meaning that the channel has
been correctly memorised. Releae button "P1"
• It is not possible to memorise a user code that is already in memory: In this case when the transmitter
is activated (point 2) the led will stop flashing. The program will only work again when button "P1"
MEMO has been released.
• If the transmitter is not activated a second time within fifteen seconds the program will automatically
leave the memory mode without memorising a new user code.
• If a new user code is activated the first time and a different channel (with an already memorised user
code) is activated the second time, the program will automatically leave the memory mode (because
the two codes do not correspond) and the channel present in the second transmission will be activated.
When the receiver's memory is almost full the user search function can take up to 1 second to complete.
Cancelling a channel (fig. 5, 6, 7, 8 )
1. Keep button "P2" DELETE pressed down and the led "L1" will start to flash rapidly
2. Press the channel on the transmitter which is to be cancelled
3. Led "L1" will remain lit for 2 seconds meaning that the channel has been cancelled.
Note: If the user which is to be cancelled is not found in the memory, the led will stop flashing. The program
will only work again when button "P2" has been released. If the button is released before a channel is
activated the program will automatically leave the memorising or cancelling mode.
Cancelling the entire user memory (fig. 6, 7, 8)
1. Keep buttons (P1+P2) pressed down simultaneously for more than 4 seconds
2. Led "L1" will remain lit for the period of time required for the program to cancel all the codes (about 8
3. Led "L1" will turn off meaning that the cancellation procedure has been carried out.
Memorising a channel (fig. 5)
• Memorisation can be activated by radio (without opening the receiver container) if jumper "J3" has