— If you have sore or cracked nipples, you may wish to express your milk until they are healed.
— If you are separated from your baby and wish to continue to breastfeed when you are reunited,
you should express your milk regularly to stimulate your milk supply.
You need to find the optimum times of the day to express your milk, for example just before or after
your baby's first feed in the morning when your breasts are full, or after a feed if your baby has not
emptied both breasts. If you have returned to work, you may need to express during a break.
Using a breast pump requires practice and it may take several attempts before you succeed.
Fortunately, the Lorelli electric breast pump is easy to assemble and use so you will soon get used to expressing
with it.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly and make sure your breasts are clean. Relax in a comfortable chair.
2. Press the assembled pump body against your breast. Make sure that your nipple is centered, so
that the massage cushion creates an airtight seal. Make sure that your nipple fits correctly in the cushion.
3. Press the on/off button. The breast pump automatically starts up in massage mode and you can change the level
of the massage through the increase & reduce keys.
4. When the breast milk flows, you can change the mode from massage to normal pumping (through Mode key) and
choose the most comfortable level.
Attention: Do not always use the maximum level of pumping, just choose the most comfortable level for pumping.
Note: Do not worry if your milk does not flow immediately. Relax and continue pumping. The first
few times you use the breast pump, you may need to use a higher suction mode to get your milk
5. Depending on your own personal comfort, you may wish to use a higher suction mode that
provides deeper suction. You can always return to a lower suction mode.
6. When you have finished expressing, turn off the breast pump with the ON/OFF key and carefully remove the
pump body from your breast.
7. Unscrew the bottle from the pump body. Feed your baby or store the milk.
8. Unplug the adapter from the wall outlet to disconnect the appliance from the electrical power.
Unplug the motor unit from the adapter. Unplug the silicone tube and cap from the silicone
9. Clean the other used parts of the breast pump according to the instructions in section
'Cleaning and sanitizing'.
Warning! Only store breast milk collected with a cleaned and sanitized pump to ensure hygiene.
— Breast milk can be stored in the fridge (not in the door) for up to 48 hours. Expressed milk should be refrigerated
immediately. If you store milk in the fridge to add to it during the day, only add milk that has been expressed into a
sanitized bottle.
— Breast milk can be stored in the freezer for up to three months as long as it is kept in sanitized bottles fitted with a
sanitized screw ring and sealing disc. Clearly label the bottle with the date and time of expression and use older
breast milk first.
— If you intend to feed your baby with the expressed breast milk within 48 hours, you can store the breast milk in the
fridge in an assembled bottle.
Always refrigerate or freeze expressed milk immediately.
Only store milk collected with a sanitized breast pump in sanitized bottles.
Never refreeze thawed breast milk.
Never add fresh breast milk to frozen breast milk.