SATA power and data
10 Assembly of feet
The feet included in the scope of delivery can be used to ensure a secure stand
for the Narrow Box Premium. For this purpose, glue the feet on the underside in
the corresponding areas on the housing screws.
Please note:
The feet must be removed to access the housing screws and open
the Narrow Box.
11 Instruc�ons for installa�on and recovery of Windows®
11.1 General instruc�ons for installa�on of Windows® opera�ng systems
Please install only full versions of Windows 10/Windows 11. Recovery versions of
other PC systems do not work.
11.2 Microso� Windows® ac�va�on
In order to be able to use your opera�ng system without restric�ons, you must
ac�vate it with Microso�®. The type of ac�va�on depends on which Windows
version you have purchased for your system. The product key is stored on your
system's motherboard and no command prompt is displayed. If you are connec-
ted to the Internet, the product is automa�cally ac�vated.