and out.
Turn Timer Knob to OFF when cooking is complete.
NOTE: ALL cooking times are based on meats at refrigerator temperature. Frozen
meats may take considerably longer. Therefore, the use of a meat thermometer is
highly recommended.
These functions are ideal for cooking cakes, in general.
Place the Grill Rack to in middle support guide.
Place the food to be cooked on the Food Tray and then place the Food Tray onto the
Grill Rack.
Turn the Function Knob to
Turn the Timer Knob to ON. Time accordingly and check progress with a meat
thermometer to ensure the desired temperature and that the dish is fully cooked.
To check or remove food, use the TRAY/RACK HANDLE provided to help side food in
and out.
Turn the Time Knob to OFF when cooking is complete.
This function is ideal for baking pork chops, chicken legs, chicken wings, potatoes, poultry,
and fish with an even heat level.
Preheat oven as directed in recipe.
Set Thermostat Knob to 450o F.
Turn Function Knob to
Check baked goods for doneness 5-10 minutes before expected completion.
Turn Timer Knob to OFF when cooking is complete.