Auto Sure-Float™
The Auto Sure-Float™ System is a portable air floatation system with on-demand alternating low
pressure treatment, designed to provide benefit to patients suffering from, or at risk of, developing
pressure ulcers. The system, consisting of a Control Unit, Air Floatation Mattress and Top Cover, is
designed to provide pressure redistribution and patient comfort.
Control Unit (C1000MS)
The Auto Sure-Float™ Control Unit (C1000MS) inflates and maintains air floatation mattress
(M1001S & M1002S) to user-selected settings, and can also provide on demand alternating low
pressure treatment if desired. Featuring Active Sensor Technology®, the system automatically
adjusts the mattress to the optimal fill level ensuring complete floatation pressure redistribution.
Additionally, the Control Unit provides a user selectable Float/Static mode.
Air Flotation Mattress (M1001S & M1002S)
The Auto Sure-Float™ Mattress Series consists of twenty (20) transverse air cells constructed of low
shear nylon. Each of the cells is approximately 20cm (8") high when inflated. The air cells are
positioned above a 5cm (2") convoluted foam base (M1001S Series Only). The mattress utilizes 4
specialized air cells in the center region of the mattress which contain active sensors for detecting
patient floatation level.
Covering the entire mattress assembly is a low-shear, vapor permeable, nylon top cover. The top
cover surface creates a membrane impermeable to liquids though still permeable to water vapor.
Spun bonded polyester fiberfill is quilted onto the base of the mattress top cover. When the patient
moves, the top cover will move along with the patient, minimizing shearing effects. Additionally, the
quilting acts to provide a diffusion layer by which the water vapor can be drawn away from the