Thane Fitness OrbiTrek PRO Manual Del Propietário página 18

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Nutritional Guide
• Avoid sugar: Refined white sugar (table sugar) is damaging to your health in many ways, and will (a) directly cause weight gain,
and (b) cause cravings for fats that will further cause weight gain.
• Drink plenty of water: This is an easy, healthful way to help avoid cravings. Often, a perceived craving for food, particularly fatty
food, may be satisfied with a cup or two of water! Drinking plenty of water also helps to naturally control appetite through a dire c t
e ffect on the stomach. Always drink pure, fresh water; avoid tap water laden with chlorine and other chemicals. Aim for at least
6-8 cups of water per day.
• Try brushing your teeth instead of eating! Often, a craving for a particular food, especially high-fat, high-sugar food, is caused by
something no more complicated than a bad taste in the mouth. A quick, re f reshing tooth brushing or mouthwash rinse will often
get rid of cravings immediately and painlessly.
• Food timing: Do not skip breakfast; this only leads to hypoglycemia and severe cravings sometime around mid-morning, which
m a y, in turn, cause you to eat cookies or doughnuts with coffee and sugar, which in turn can set you up for a ro l l e r-coaster blood
sugar ride for the rest of the day. Not a good idea.
• Avoid eating anytime within three hours of bedtime. Not eating anything near bedtime can lower your fat levels and can change
your eating patterns so that you are hungrier in the morning, leading you to indeed eat a small-to-moderate breakfast. This in
t u rn helps control your mid-morning cravings.
• When you need to snack between meals, eat some fresh vegetables, or fat-free turkey deli slices, or a whole grain (n o t white flour)
p roduct, or some fru i t .
• Meal size: A pattern of smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day is much more conducive to craving control than a
p a t t e rn of starvation or mild snacking during most of the day combined with one large (often very large) daily meal. Studies have
also shown that spreading food intake throughout the day helps in the weight loss eff o rt, while concentrating calories all in one
l a rge meal sabotages it.
• Avoid overly salted foods, if they lead to sugar cravings or if you suffer from kidney disease or high blood pre s s u re .
• Eat slowly: This will help minimize the effect of cravings, because you will find that you are satisfied sooner than you would be
if you were wolfing your food down.
• Va ry your diet: Boredom is what causes most people to abandon their weight loss eff o rts. Imagine if you ate nothing but carro t
sticks and celery or cabbage soup for every meal. It wouldn't be too long before you'd be driving into the first McDonald's or
stopping at the first bakery you saw. There are plenty of great tasting foods to give you all the variety you need for the rest of your
life which won't make you fat. Experiment with herbs and spices and diff e rent cooking methods.
• Try the following trick: Carry with you a small pad of paper on which to write down everything you decide to eat before you
actually eat it. This will introduce an important time delay during which you are writing down what you're about to do. There is
a good chance you will often find yourself changing your mind.
It is often thought that a good, balanced diet should contain all the nutrients your body needs. But in today's world, with mass food
p roduction and soil depletion, it usually doesn't. And besides, how many of us really eat a "good, balanced diet"?
For these reasons, and because optimal nutrition is especially important during a period of active fat metabolism and bre a k d o w n ,
we recommend that a good multi-vitamin-mineral be taken re g u l a r l y.
T I P S :
• One-pill-a-day multi-vitamin preparations are usually poor in quality and not very helpful. Better quality formulas re q u i re
at least 3 tabs/caps per day. Multi-nutrient formulas should usually always be taken with at least some food. This helps
i m p rove absorption, prevent abdominal discomfort, and prevent the "niacin flush" that sometimes otherwise occurs.
• Look for a formula that contains a full range of B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E and D, and a full complement of minerals.
Vitamin B6, magnesium and chromium are particularly important, yet often deficient in typical diets.
• Many people benefit additionally from taking extra Essential Fatty Acids, vitamin C, and sometimes, a digestive enzyme
called bro m e l a i n .
• The best place to find high-quality, complete nutritional supplementation is usually your local health store.
• F i n a l l y, don't forget to drink plenty of clear, pure water to help flush out all those toxins your body stores along with its fat.


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