5.3. Signal generator and remote ports
The built-in signal generator can feed an input to send its signal to the DSP processing chain in
order to perform a spectral analysis and/or adjustment of parameters depending on the acoustic
characteristics of the room and equipment.
Its parameters are:
SIGNAL: type of signal generated, Sinewave (sine wave with a variable frequency), Polarity
(specific waveform to determine the correct polarity of the speakers, with variable frequency),
White Noise and Pink Noise.
FREQUENCY: frequency of the Sinewave or Polarity signal
The A and B REMOTE connectors allow you to simultaneously control the volume of one or
multiple inputs, or one or multiple outputs through a WPm series wall panel or similar (0-10VDC).
Each preset saves the function assigned to the REMOTE ports at the time of saving (so different
presets can contain different functions for the same REMOTE port).