Ketab Style Basic
User Manual
number---press "M" to confirm the number you chose---the bookmark
was stored with name.
Operation step
reading articles---press "M" shortly—choose
Loadmark---press "M" shortly---press direction keys to choose the
bookmark you need ---press "M" to confirm the number you choose
---the bookmark was picked up and enter into reading interface
Operation step: read articles---press "M" shortly—choose
Delmark---press "M" shortly---press direction keys to choose the
bookmark need to be deleted ---press "M" to confirm the number you
Browser mode:
Operation step Reading article---Press "M" shortly---chose browser
mode---press shortly of the direction keys to chose Auto Mode and
Manual Mode.
Manual Mode Change pages by human actions.
Auto Mode The device will change pages automatically in reasonable
Auto change pages:
Operation step
reading article---Press "M" shortly—chase Auto
changing pages---choose Flip Time to chose the time of changing
Table of Contents: Shows the information of the article.
3).Music playing