8. Tighten the top straps one at a time. Be careful to tighten both sides equally (Fig. 16).
Note: Repeat the sequence of steps 6-8 twice, once to snug the straps and take up slack and a second time to secure and seal the respirator
facepiece to the face.
9. Recheck all straps to ensure that they are tight and evenly tensioned so that the head harness is centered on the back of your head. Ensure that
the straps and tabs lay flat against your head. If possible, have a partner verify that you have donned your respirator properly.
Note: You may find it easier to lift the breathing tube over the head so it rests at the front of the body, which allows the bottom straps to be
tightened more easily (Fig. 17). After tightening the straps, lift the breathing tube over the head so it rests at your back (Fig. 18).
Donning the 6000 and 7800S Series Full Face Respirator
1. Fully loosen all four head straps.
2. Lift the Y-branches of the BT-60 Series Tube along with the facepiece over your head so the Y-branches of the breathing tube are resting on your
shoulders and the faceseal of the respirator is in front of you.
3. Hold the front of the facepiece with one hand and the straps away from the facepiece with the other hand, creating an opening for the head.
4. Pull the respirator assembly down over the head with the headstraps at the back of the head.
5. Place the nose in the nose cup and chin in the chin cup area then press the facepiece firmly and evenly against the face (Fig. 19).
6. Tighten the bottom straps one at a time. Be careful to tighten both sides equally (Fig. 20).
7. Tighten the top straps one at a time. Be careful to tighten both sides equally (Fig. 21).
Note: You may find it easier to lift the breathing tube over the head so it rests at the front of the body, which allows the bottom straps to be
tightened more easily (Fig. 22). After tightening the straps, lift the breathing tube over the head so it rests at your back (Fig. 23).
User Seal Checks
Always check the seal of the respirator on your face before entering a contaminated area according to the instructions provided below.
You must pass either the positive pressure user seal check or the negative pressure user seal check (or both) prior to using the respirator in a
contaminated area. If you cannot achieve a proper fit, DO NOT enter contaminated area. See your supervisor.
Positive Pressure User Seal Check
1. If using the 6000 or 7800S Series Full Face Respirator, place the palm of your hand over the exhalation valve cover and exhale gently (Fig. 24).
If using the FF-400 Full Facepiece Respirator, remove the exhalation valve cover and place the palm of your hand over the exhalation valve and
exhale gently. If facepiece bulges slightly and no air leaks are detected between your face and the facepiece, a proper fit has been obtained.
Fig. 17
Fig. 19
Fig. 22
Fig. 18
Fig. 20
Fig. 23
Fig. 21