Note :
• The transmitter located in Frankfurt uses the time given by the
atomic clock with an accuracy greater than 1s/year
• The distances of reception for signal DCF 77 are as follows:
• Between 0 and 600 km from Frankfurt, the reception is at a
• Between 600 and 2000 km, interference may occur and
lower signal reception quality; it may then be necessary to
switch over to manual setup.
The drop-down menu appears on the top part of the device
Step 1
Mode - confirm by pressing
12 H - 24 H
Select the time format 12h (AM/PM) or 24h using
the keys
Step 2
Time – confirm by pressing
Set the time using the keys
then press
Step 3
Minute – confirm by pressing
Set the min using the keys
Step 4
Year – confirm by pressing
Set the year using the keys
then press
Step 5
Month – confirm by pressing
Set the month using the keys
then press
then press
then press