Memorising a pair of photoelectric cells
1. On the stationary unit press and hold down the button P1- fig. 3 until the stationary unit sounds a 'beep':
you have now entered the memorisation mode and the led L1- fig. 3 will flash slowly.
2. Press button P1 -fig. 6 on the receiver of the pair of photoelectric cells to be memorised: the receiver will
indicate a successful memorisation attempt by lighting up L1 - fig. 6, for 4 seconds. Simultaneously the
stationary unit will sound a double 'beep' and the safety status led L3 - fig. 3 and the battery status led
L4, relating to the pair of photocells being memorised, will light up. The stationary unit is now ready to
memorise another pair of photoelectric cells.
3. To quit the memorisation mode wait for 30 seconds or press the button P1 - fig. 3 on the stationary receiver
until it sounds an extended 'beep'.
A memorisation error will be indicated by the led on the transceiver interface flashing quickly. Should this
occur, repeat the memorisation procedure from point 2. After the eighth and final transceiver interface has
been memorised the stationary unit will automatically quit the memorisation mode and sound 10 rapid 'beeps'.
Cancelling a pair of photoelectric cells via radio
1. On the stationary unit press and hold down the button P2- fig. 3 until the stationary unit sounds a 'beep':
you have now entered the cancellation mode and the led L1- fig. 3 will flash quickly.
2. Press button P1 -fig. 6 on the receiver of the pair of photoelectric cells to be cancelled: the receiver will
indicate a successful cancellation attempt by lighting up L1 - fig. 6, for 4 seconds. Simultaneously the
stationary unit will sound a double 'beep' and the safety status led L3 - fig. 3 and the battery status led L4,
relating to the pair of photocells being cancelled, will light up. The stationary unit is now ready to cancel
another pair of photoelectric cells.
3. To quit the cancellation mode wait for 30 seconds or press the button P3 - fig. 3 on the stationary receiver
until it sounds an extended 'beep'.
A cancellation error will be indicated by the led L1 on the receiver flashing quickly. Should this occur, repeat
the memorisation procedure from point 2.
After the eighth and final pair of photocells have been cancelled the stationary unit will automatically quit the
cancellation mode and sound 10 rapid 'beeps'.