For the analog mode, DTMF serves as the calling function.
Via software, a maximum of 16 encodes can be programmed. A DTMF call can be
composed with a maximum of 15 digits (0-9, A-D, * and #). The Kill feature, i.e. de-
activation of rx and/or rx upon receipt of the according code, is available. For the re-
activation of the radio, the according Active code must be received. Please make a
note of the Active code for your references.
The analog DTMF call has to be assigned to a One Key call, which needs to linked
to a multi-function key (SK1/2 or TK1). Once the according key is pushed, the DTMF
code is transmitted. The following DTMF settings are available:
> First Digit Time
: duration of the first DTMF digit (50-4500ms in 50ms-steps)
> Digit Inter Time
: duration between the digits (25-6400ms in 25ms-steps)
> Digit Delay Time
: time between pushing the PTT key and transmission of
the DTMF code (25-6400ms in 25ms-steps)
> DTMF Side Tone
: DTMF tone sequence audible at own radio
For the digital mode, single and group calls can be programmed with the optional soft-
ware T-UP33. Each channel can be configured individually. Beside the specific channel
calling setup, the One Key feature, is available. The according multi-function key serves
as a PTT key (ensure to assign a digital One Key call only to the long-press-state of the
multi-function keys). Please note that digital codes are not audible.
For the setup of a digital network, each radio has to be programmed with an individual
7-digit decode (Self ID). A maximum of 64 contacts (encodes) can be created, defined
as single or group contacts. When setting up groups, make sure that all radios have
the same group members in a group and that all radios use the same group as a
In the following, the available call types and their settings are explained:
By default, the radio is not configured for a network. All radios use the same decode
(Radio ID:0000001). In the channel setup, no contacts (Tx Contact) or groups (Group
Rx List) are assigned.
As soon as two radios have a different Radio ID and there are no contacts or groups
assigned in the channel setup, the LED will light green (with the according setup) when
transmitting but the signal will not be audible at the speaker.
Note: With the monitor function, any signal with an incorrect code will be audible.
For the following examples program these settings:
Create these dPMR Contacts with three radios:
1 - Name 1 - ID: 0000001 - Type: Group Call
2 - Name 2 - ID: 0000002 - Type: Group Call
3 - Name 3 - ID: 0000003 - Type: Group Call
4 - Name 4 - ID: ******* - Type: ALL Call
Create this Rx Group List 1 with the three radios:
Name 1
Name 2
Name 3
Single Call - on the same channel of two radios:
Radio 1
Radio 2
Radio ID : 0000001
Radio ID: 0000002
Tx Contact: Name 2
Tx Contact: Name 1
Group Rx List: None
Group Rx List: None
Radio 1 can call radio 2 and vice versa. No other radios will receive the call.
Group Call - on the same channel of three radios:
Radio 1
Radio 2
Radio ID: 0000001
Radio ID: 0000002
Tx Contact: Name 3
Tx Contact: Name 3
Group Rx List: 1
Group Rx List: 1
All three radios can communicate with each other. For a contact any member of the
group can be assigned. Do not use your own ID as a contact, malfunction of the call
might be the result.
All Call
The contact type All Call will call all radios in the network regardless of their group
The TeCom IP-DA32 has a 2-pin Motorola compatible acces-
sory connection (3.5 / 2.5 mm - mono / mono), that is used for
ear-/microphones, the software cable and the cloning cable.
Check our web site at www.team-electronic.de for available
Radio 3
Radio ID: 0000003
Tx Contact: Name 1
Group Rx List: 1