Hand-Held Pressure Indicator
CPH6200-S1 / CPH6200-S2
2.3.2 rAtE-P.dEt: peak detection
Measuring rate > 1000 Hz, the value is displayed unfiltered.
Application with logger function: Measuring of pressure spikes or fluctu-
ating pressures with a resolution of < 1.5 ms. The cyclic logger function
records the arithmetic mean value, the highest and the lowest peak
during the chosen time interval.
Higher power consumption, measuring is sensitive to noise (EMI,..).
2.3.3 rAtE-FASt: fast filtered measuring
Measuring rate > 1000 Hz, but the value is filtered slightly (higher noise
immunity than P.dEt, small peaks will be filtered out), apart from that,
identical behaviour to P.dEt.
2.4 Averaging function
The averaging function acts on the displayed values (LCD and serial
interface). It is completely independent of the averaging within the
logger function, please don't mix them up!
The averaging integrates the measured values during a chosen time
interval and then calculates the average display value. It is independent
of the selected measuring rate (slow, fast, peak detect).
Until sufficient values to calculate an average value have been collected
(dependant on selected averaging time), the upper display shows "----",
the lower display shows a ´countdown´.
During an active low-power-logging procedure the average is always
Operation of min/max-value memory in conjunction with the averaging
If averaging is activated and 'slow' measuring rate is selected (rAtE-
Slo), the min-/max-memory value relates to the average display
If averaging is activated and 'fast' measuring rate is selected (rAtE-
FASt or P.dEt), the min-/max-memory value relates to the internal
measured values (pressure spikes can be detected).
WIKA Operating Instructions Hand-Held Pressure Indicator