unto sted s ndwiches on the to sting surf ce (9 ). M ke
sure th t the s ndwiches re it into the design ted rect n-
gles of the to sting surf ces. W rning: the to sting surf ces
will be extremely hot t this point!
Now c utiously close the cover (6), press the h ndles (5)
together nd lock the device with the closure (1).
Allow the bre d to to st for
the temper ture setting you h ve chosen nd how crispy you
w nt your s ndwich to be.
Once the s ndwich h s been in the to ster for the desired
mount of time nd meets your expect tions, open the clo-
sure (1) nd cover (6). Exercise c ution when removing your
s ndwich. W rning: the to sting surf ces re still very hot!
Once your s ndwiches h ve been prep red nd you no lon-
ger need the ppli nce, turn the temper ture control to «I»
nd unplug the device.
W it until the device h s cooled down completely nd
lw ys unplug the device before you cle n it nd store it.
H m nd cheese s ndwich
Ingredients (for 1 s ndwich)
– 2 slices of to st
– 1 or 2 slices of cheese
– 1 or 2 slices of boiled h m
TIP: Be cre tive with the ingredients for the illing – simply
use wh tever you h ve on h nd or like best. You c n use
for inst nce s l mi inste d of the h m or tom toes (seeds
nd juice removed). Try di erent options nd discover your
f vorites by being dventurous.
Import nt: Do not over ill your s ndwich, s this m y c use
the ingredients to spill out of the S ndwich To ster's sides.
Do not use liquid/runny illings of ny kind, s liquids re not
suit ble for to sting (i.e. must rd, m yonn ise, relish, etc.).
Before you put your ppli nce w y for stor ge, lw ys roll
up the cord (8) inside the cord stor ge comp rtment (11).
few minutes depending on
Recipe suggestions
H w ii n style s ndwich
Ingredients (for 1 s ndwich)
– 2 slices of to st
– 1 or 2 slices of cheese
– 1 or 2 slices of boiled h m
– 1 slice or sever l cubes
of c nned pine pple