_ways unpJug your air conditioner _fore deaning_
Air filer needs b _ d_ned
at I_st once a 0_ek for your unit to operab at
opiimum efficiency. SJide our the fiJter from the back by puJiing on the tab. The fiber
may be washed or vacuumed_ Remove the excess wafer _om the
gent@ shaking the flit@r:This wiJJremove dust and _rtides
trapped in the fiJter.
After d_ning,
reinstdJ the fil'ter. _
NOT u_e your air c@nditioner wi_out the air
fiJter in pJace_
To clean _
cabinet, _
u_ harsh chemlcals, abrasiv÷s, ammonia, chlorine,
b/_;ch, conce._rat_
d@_÷n_s0 _ivents or metal s_ouring pads. Some of th_se
chemi_ls m_ dissdve, damage and/or discdor y®r air conditioner:_
_/ways use a so@cb_ dampened wi_ wacer or a miid _p
and wa_er sdution to
wip÷ the front of _e cabineL Wi_
dry with a _ff doth
÷ To s_re your air conditioner when not being used br a Jongperiod o_ time, drain
condensed wa_r usi,g the drain pipe. Remo@e exhaust ho_
dean Be _rs,
wiih piasHc bag and siore a_a_
Ch_k if unit in pJugged in. The plug _ay hay@
Press"°Reset"huron on the pJug to r_u_e
Check if B_ eJec_icaJwail receptacle is _he proper vdtage.
Check iFBe circuit breaker needs to_ reset or if the @se ne_ds to be replaced.
® Check iFBe unit in i_ "Off" mode.
i_ the warning light is on, drain Be water drain pipe by removing _e pJug.
Room may have app_ian_s that produce heal U_e an exhau4 _an re _m÷ve excess h_t.
Ch_k e×hau4 hose for proper instaJiatio_.
Redir÷'4 Be atrfbw
Ram@v@ any obs._d÷s_
windows ned to _ ¢iasd
_ tha_c@i air does not escape _e room.
Air @er _ay be blocked or _
need d_ning
Unit BTU may _ too Jew'for the required cooh_g area.
On e_eJy
ho_& hgmid de, s, air co_dition÷rs _ay tab a li_t÷ Jonger to c@[.
Drain the wa$÷r d_in pipe by removing Be pJug.
Unit _ay be in b_ or dry m_e, Put air conditioner in c_J mode.