TVT Tuvalu Time UTC+12
WAKT Wake Island Time UTC+12
CHAST Chatham Standard Time UTC+12:45
NZDT New Zealand Daylight Time UTC+13
PHOT Phoenix Island Time UTC+13
TKT Tokelau Time UTC+13
TOT Tonga Time UTC+13
CHADT Chatham Daylight Time UTC+13:45
LINT Line Islands Time UTC+14
AZOST Azores Standard Time UTC−01
CVT Cape Verde Time UTC−01
EGT Eastern Greenland Time UTC−01
FNT Fernando de Noronha Time UTC−02
GST South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Time UTC−02
PMDT Saint Pierre and Miquelon Daylight Time
UYST Uruguay Summer Time UTC−02
NDT Newfoundland Daylight Time UTC−02:30
ADT Atlantic Daylight Time UTC−03
AMST Amazon Summer Time UTC−03
ART Argentina Time UTC−03
BRT Brasilia Time UTC−03
CLST Chile Summer Time UTC−03
FKST Falkland Islands Standard Time UTC−03
FKST Falkland Islands Summer Time UTC−03
GFT French Guiana Time UTC−03
PMST Saint Pierre and Miquelon Standard Time
PYST Paraguay Summer Time UTC−03
ROTT Rothera Research Station Time UTC−03
Module d'affichage LSC 2.1
SRT Suriname Time UTC−03
UYT Uruguay Standard Time UTC−03
NST Newfoundland Standard Time UTC−03:30
NT Newfoundland Time UTC−03:30
AMT Amazon Time UTC−04
AST Atlantic Standard Time UTC−04
BOT Bolivia Time UTC−04
CDT Cuba Daylight Time UTC−04
CLT Chile Standard Time UTC−04
COST Colombia Summer Time UTC−04
ECT Eastern Caribbean Time UTC−04
EDT Eastern Daylight Time UTC−04
FKT Falkland Islands Time UTC−04
GYT Guyana Time UTC−04
PYT Paraguay Time UTC−04
VET Venezuelan Standard Time UTC−04:30
CDT Central Daylight Time UTC−05
COT Colombia Time UTC−05
CST Cuba Standard Time UTC−05
EASST Easter Island Standard Summer Time
ECT Ecuador Time UTC−05
EST Eastern Standard Time UTC-05
PET Peru Time UTC−05
CST Central Standard Time UTC−06
EAST Easter Island Standard Time UTC−06
GALT Galapagos Time UTC−06
MDT Mountain Daylight Time UTC−06
MST Mountain Standard Time UTC−07
PDT Pacific Daylight Time UTC−07
Manuel d'instructions Module d'affichage LSC
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