Parking Brake Adjustment
WARNING:Never attempt to adjust the
brakes while the engine is running. Always
disengage PTO,move shift lever into
neutral position, stop engine and remove
key to prevent unintended starting.
If the tractordoesnot cometo a completestop whenthe
brakepedal is completelydepressed,or if the tractor's
rearwheelscan roll with the parkingbrakeapplied,the
brakeis in need of adjustment.See an authorizedMTD
Service Dealerto haveyourbrakesproperlyadjusted.
Seat Adjustment
NOTE:For shippingreasons,seatsare eitherfastened
to the tractorseat'spivotbracketwith a plastictie, or
mountedbackwardto thepivot bracket.Ineither case,
free the seatform its shippingpositionand removethe
two hexscrews(or knobs,on modelssoequipped)from
the bottomof seat beforeproceeding with applicable
ARNING:Before operating this machine,
make sure the seat is engaged in the seat
stop, stand behind the machine and pull
back on seat until fully engaged into stop.
Toadjust the positionof the seat,loosenthe two hex
screwson the bottomof the seat.Slide the seatforward
or backwardas desired.Refightenthe two screws.See
Knob Adjustment
Seat (if so equipped)
Toadjust the positionof the seaton modelsso equipped,
loosenthe two knobson the bottomof theseat. See
Fig.5-4. Slide the seatforwardor backwardas desired.
Retightenthe two knobs.
Quick Adjust Seat
(if so equipped)
Toadjust the positionof the seaton modelsequipped
with a seat adjustmentlever,movethe seatadjustment
lever(locatedunder theseat) to the left and slidethe
seat forwardor rearward.See Fig. 5-5. Makesureseat is
locked intopositionbeforeoperatingthe tractor.
Figure 5=3
Figure 5=4
Figure 5=5
Never attemptto
adjust the brakes while
the engineis running.
PTO,move shift lever
intoneutral position,
stopengine and
remove key to prevent
unintended starting.
Before operating this
machine, make sure the
seat is engaged in the
seat stop, stand behind
the machine and pull
back on seat until fully
engaged intostop.
NOTE: For shipping rea-
sons, seats are either
fastened to the tractor
;eat's pivot bracket with
olastic tie, or mounted
backward to the pivot
bracket. In either case,
free the seat form its
shipping position and
removethe two hex
screws (or knobs, on
models so equipped)
from the bottom of seat
before proceeding with
applicable instructions.