Opening your life
7.3.2 Setting page_Device information
1. Wi network can be changed.
2. Pin code can be changed here.
3. The version number if the Firmware.
** Software can be updated when new version is released.
4. The version of Accessmatic app.
** Please use the latest version of the Accessmatic app.
5. The UID is a unique identi cation for each device.
6. To synchronize with local time.
7.3.3 Setting page_Parameter Settings
1. Parameters can be changed.
2. Start the System learning.
** The system learning can only be operated when you have a view of your
gate or garage door.
3. Set a new PIN code with (Reset RIN).
4. Return to the default setting.
** Pin code is needed when returning to the default setting.
5. Start the remote learning.
7.4 Account page
1. Account setting.
** Setting a new email and a password for your account.
2. Details of GDPR Policy.
3. Push noti cation.
** Switches for all noti cation of devices or each device.
4. Sign out the account.
** The PIN code for each device is needed when you Log in next time.