This notice must be translated (possibly by the retailer) into the language of the country of use.
For your safety, comply strictly with the instructions for use, verification, maintenance and storage.
BERNER cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect accident occurring as a result of use other than provided for in this notice; do not use this equipment
beyond its capabilities!
USE AND PRECAUTIONS: The BERNER hinged steel roof anchor complies with requirements of the European standards EN 795 (anchoring device - class
A1), it is aimed to be fixed on a host structure to connect some P.P.E. against the fall of a person during works at height.
The hinged steel roof anchor is composed of two plates pierced with 32 holes connected by a swivel D-Ring. It must be attached to wooden structures with a
minimal section of: 85 x85 mm. It must be fixed to the structure by 32 (16x2) points ringed: 16d 3-1/4 Vinyl coated sinker nails (see Figure 1 and 2).
After use, it can be removed and reused; in this case, the 32 nails must be changed.
In every instance, connections between the anchor point and the fall arrest system have to be made through a connector (EN362). During the use, please check
regularly that the connector is correctly closed.
The location of the anchor point has to be chosen so as to allow its safe connection/disconnection.
The location will take into account:
The clearance needed by the fall arrest system connected to the anchor point,
The risk linked to the pendulum effect in case of fall,
The fall factor.
In Accordance with Annex A of the EN 795 Standard:
For fixings in steelwork, the design and installation data should be checked beforehand by calculation by a qualified engineer,
in order to make sure the assembly is compatible with the effort applied as part of the type tests.
For fixings in other structural materials, the installer should verify the suitability of the structural materials by making a type
test on a sample of that material.
Product marking should be checked periodically for legibility.
User safety relies on the effectiveness of the equipment and full understanding of the safety instructions contained in this leaflet.
Before and during use, we recommend that you take all the necessary precautions for a safe rescue in case of emergency.
This equipment is for the sole use of people trained, skilled and in good health, or under the supervision of a trained and skilled person. Warning! Certain
medical conditions may affect user safety; if in doubt, consult your doctor.
Before each use, please check: the condition of the fixings, the plates, and the D-Ring anchor point, they must be in apparent good condition, without marks,
shocks, deformations, oxidation... In case of doubt, the anchor point should not be used anymore without a full checking by a qualified person.
Do not remove, add or replace any component of the product.
Chemical products: put the system out of use if it comes into contact with chemical products, solvents or fuels which could affect its working.
Material: Treated steel. Weight: 1000 gr (+/- 5g).
Static resistance > 10 kN in the 2 main directions for use (A and B) (see above figure n° 3).
Dynamic test: fall of 2.5 m with a mass of 100kg connected to a 2 m lanyard.
BERNER certifies that the anchor point has been tested in accordance with the standard EN 795 Class A.
A fall arrest harness (EN361) is the only body gripping device that may be used. It may be dangerous to create one's own fall arrest system where each safety
function can interfere with another safety function. Therefore, it is important to read the recommendations on using each component in the system before use.
Service life of the product is 10 years (in accordance with the annual examination by a competent person authorized by BERNER), but it may be increased or
reduced according to use and/or the results of the annual inspections. The equipment should be inspected if there is any doubt, or following a fall and at least
annually, by the manufacturer or a competent person authorised by the manufacturer to check its strength and hence the user's safety.
The product data sheet should be completed after each annual product verification.
SERVICING AND STORAGE: (Comply strictly with these instructions)
No particular servicing.