8. Service and recalibration
Blood pressure gauges must be calibrated and marked CE when they are put on the
We r e c o mme n d f o r t h e d o c t o r ' s a n d t h e p a t i e n t ' s s e c u r i t y t h a t t h e i n strument be
checked and recalibrated at least every 2 years either by the manufacturer or by an
authorised workshop.
Instruments which deviate from zero position in the range of 0 - 4 mmHg should be
subject to immediate recalibration. Instruments without seal (for example after a
repair) are considered as uncalibrated and have to be recalibrated.
The date of manufacture is shown by the first two numbers of the serial number.
A recalibration of the model SWITCH is not intended. The faulty manometer housing
can be replaced anywhere (even by unskilled people) by a newly calibrated one
especially provided for this purpose by the producer (see below).
We emphasize that only original ERKA. parts should be used for any spare or
repair. A combination or attachment of ERKA. products with other makes is not
ERKA. Switch: easy adjusting from left to right hand use
Quick exchange of manometer housing.
Labels in 8 different colours.
In addition labels can be marked
We trust that working with your ERKA. blood pressure gauge
will always meet with your satisfaction.