Final installation
3.2.1. Positioning of the tank
The tank must be placed shock-proof and with adequate
equipment into the prepared building pit. After placing
the tank, it must be positioned in the pit in such a way
that the inlet is aligned along the axis of the inlet line.
The tank should be positioned vertically. Make sure the
outlet of the separator is placed 7cm deeper than the
inlet. After positioning the tank, fill the pit layer by layer
according to section 3.2.2.
3.2.2. Filling in the building pit
Before filling the tank encasement, the tank shall be filled 1/3 with water, then the
encasement (grounded gravel of maximum grain size 8/16) in layers of a maximum of
30 cm until the tank is filled up to the upper edge. The individual layers must be
compacted well (manual compactor). In order to prevent damage to the tank, the use of
mechanical compact- ing equipment is not permitted at any time. The encasement must
be at least 500 mm wide.
Attention: In order to be suitable for truck traffic (SLW40), a geotextile must be
horizontally installed around the clearance areas!
Saphir tank series
3.2.3. Connection of inlet and outlet
Connect the inlet and outlet lines once the pit has been filled as far as the connections.
3. Assembly and Installation
Dimensions geotextile
1150 x 1150 mm
Diamant tank series
30 cm
30 cm
30 cm
Dimensions geotextile
NS4-700, NS 7-700: 1150 x 1150 mm
NS10-1500, NS 15-1500: 1400 x 2450 mm