Press the start/stop button
heard and all segments will be displayed.
Once the actual memory zone is displayed (U1-3), press the
memory button
Confirm your selection by pressing start/stop button
If no button is pressed within 5 seconds, the measurement will
start automatically.
The monitor will seek the zero pressure point.
The monitor inflates the cuff until sufficient pressure has built up
for a measurement. Then the monitor slowly releases air from
the cuff and carries out the measurement.
Finally the blood pressure and pulse rate (P) will be calculated
and displayed on the LCD screen separately. The Irregular
heartbeat symbol
The result will be automatically stored in the current memory
When a mistake was detected during measurement an error message appears on the display.
Er 0
Pressure system is unstable before
Er 1
Fail to detect systolic pressure
Er 2
Fail to detect diastolic pressure
Er 3
Pneumatic system blocked or cuff is too
tight during inflation
Er 4
Pneumatic system leakage or cuff is too
loose during inflation
to activate the device. A beep is
to select the desired memory zone.
(if any) will blink.
is displayed.
Don't move and try again.
Apply the cuff correctly and try again.
Levita BPM Wrist 3200