to wash and sanitise the immersion blender:
1. Disconnect from mains supply.
2. Rinse the exterior of the stainless steel shaft and protective blade
guard of the immersion blender under running water. Scrub and
flush the interior of the protective blade guard and the blade.
A bottle brush is the most effective implement to dislodge and
remove as much food residue as possible.
3. Wipe down the exterior of the plastic housing and the stainless
steel portion of the immersion blender with a soft cloth or
sponge just dampened with the washing solution.
4. Immerse approximately 3/4 of the length of the stainless steel
shaft in a container of the washing solution and agitate manually
to remove remaining residue.
5. Repeat steps two (2) and three (3) using running water in place of
the washing solution.
6. Wipe down the exterior of the plastic housing and the stainless
steel portion of the immersion blender with a soft cloth or
sponge dampened with sanitizing solution.
7. do not rInse after sanItIsIng Is complete.
Allow to air dry before use.
Important: do not Immerse plastIc HousIng
In WasHIng solutIon, rInse Water, or
sanItIsIng solutIon. preVent lIquId from
runnIng Into plastIc HousIng BY WIpIng WItH
drY clotH or damp sponge. WHIlst cleanIng
alWaYs Keep Your ImmersIon Blender In tHe
uprIgHt posItIon.