Navigate to the "DCIM" directory and, where ap-
plicable, to the relevant subdirectories to display the
fi les (*.jpg = photos; *.avi = sound recordings; *.wav
= video recordings). See also the directory structure
in the memory.
Press down the left mouse button and drag the rel-
evant fi les to the directory provided on the compu-
ter, e.g. in the folder "My Documents". You can also
highlight the fi les and use the Windows commands
"Copy" and "Paste".
The fi les are transferred to the computer and stored the-
re. You can display and process the fi les with a suitable
software application.
DCF memory standard
The captures on your camera are managed (saved, na-
med, etc.) in accordance with the DCF standard (DCF
= Design Rule for Camera File System). Captures on
memory cards for other DCF cameras can also be played
back on your camera.