SilverCrest LT 910
1. Open the main menu. To do this, press the MENU button (35).
2. From the main menu, press the direction buttons (25) to select the
and press the OK button (25).
3. Press the TV/RADIO button (21) to switch to digital radio reception.
If you have already performed a search for digital TV channels and there are
digital radio channels available at your location, you should receive the first
station now. During digital radio broadcasting reception, the SilverCrest logo
will be shown on the screen.
If you want to avoid the logo becoming "burned" onto the screen
display long term or if you want to save battery power when using
the device while it is not connected to the mains, we recommend
that you have the display power off after a few seconds. You can
set this in the setup menu. See page 43 - Setup Menu.
3. To select a different station, press the CH+/CH- (25) buttons on the remote
4. Press the TV/RADIO button (21) to switch back to digital TV reception.
When switching to radio reception or when switching between
digital radio stations, a small radio icon with the station number,
its name and a brief summary of information about the current and
the following programme will be shown (if available).
Managing Digital Radio Stations
Just as with digital TV reception, there is a channel list that you can edit. This
allows you to set channels as favourites and to delete or move channels. To do
this, proceed in the same way as for managing digital TV channels. See page 28 -
Managing Digital Channels.
Quick Selection of Channels
During digital radio reception, press the OK button (25) to display a radio channel
list. Here you can press the
the OK button (25) to switch to the selected channel.
English - 32
button (25) to choose a channel. Then press