Do not exceed the listed application dura-
tion and frequency. It will not increase its
1. Place the Slim Tens below
the navel (Zone 1), see
picture to the right!
2. Choose level 7 by press-
ing seven times on the
ON button and apply Slim
Tens for 30 minutes.
3. Repeat the application for
zones 2, 3 and 4.
1. Place the Slim Tens on
2. Select level 4 or 5 und
3. Repeat the application
the back of the upper
arm, see picture to the
stimulate this area for
60 minutes.
on the other arm.
Thigh area below the
1. Place the Slim Tens on
the thigh, directly be-
low the buttocks, see
picture on the right!
2. Select level 7 and
stimulate this area for
60 minutes.
3. Repeat the application
on the other thigh.
Once you have con-
sistently applied your
Slim Tens to one of
the body zones, it
equates to a maximum application dura-
tion of 2 hours. You should not exceed the
application duration of 2 hours per day.