• DO NOT use this grill without the ash catcher (if available), ash pan, or ash tray in place.
• DO NOT use this grill unless all parts are in working condition and properly installed.
• We recommend a charcoal chimney starter to avoid the dangers of charcoal starter fluid.
ALWAYS read and follow the chimney starter manufacturer's instructions and warnings.
• If you use charcoal starter fluid, ONLY use starter fluid approved for lighting charcoal.
• NEVER use gasoline, alcohol, kerosene, or any other highly flammable liquid. Use of any
of these or similar products could cause an explosion, possibly leading to severe bodily
• Carefully read the charcoal and starter fluid manufacturer's warnings and instructions
before using this grill. Failure to do so could result in serious injury.
• ALWAYS clean up any starter fluid spills before lighting charcoal.
• ALWAYS allow charcoal starter fluid to completely burn off prior to closing the grill lid.
Failure to do so could trap fumes in the grill and might result in a flash fire or explosion
when the lid is opened .
• NEVER add charcoal starter fluid to hot or warm coals. Flare ups could occur and cause
burns .
• ALWAYS store charcoal starter fluid safely away from grill. DO NOT store starter fluid or
other flammable liquids or materials under the grill.