Run the Quick Launch CD-ROM program
Use the Quick Launch CD-ROM disc to complete the server
installation. Follow these steps to configure your server
and install an operating system.
If you installed optional expansion card(s), you first need
to perform the instructions on the previous page.
1. Locate the Quick Launch CD-ROM disc in your DIGITAL
ServerWORKS software kit. Power on your server and
insert the CD-ROM disc.
If your server fails to boot from the CD-ROM, press Ctrl
+ Alt + Del, then Ctrl + A, when prompted, to run the
SCSISelect utility. Enable the bootable CD-ROM and
INT13 lines. Exit and reboot.
2. When prompted, you can create an MS-DOS partition
size appropriate for your operating system. The system
prompts you to confirm your choice. Note that
Windows NT requires a partition size of 35 MB. Other
Windows operating systems require 30 MB.
The Quick Launch main screen appears, and all utilities
and related files (SCU, diagnostics, RAID, etc.) are in-
stalled onto the MS-DOS partition.
3. Select Installations & Utilities from the Quick Launch
main screen. Choose Express to automatically install
Microsoft Windows NT or Novell NetWare. Create
Diskettes allows you to create the utilities and driver
diskettes required when installing SCO UNIX, OS/2,
Microsoft Windows NT, or Novell NetWare manually.
Refer to the ServerWORKS Quick Launch Getting Started
guide included with the ServerWORKS software kit for
detailed installation procedures.
DIGITAL Server 3100/3200 Series