Figure 20.- Measurement functions menu in registered mode.
The UPSTREAM function allows users to obtain the measurements previously
described in relation with upstream in registered as well as unregistered work modes.
Through the IP function, the CMTS of the headend informs, as long as the information is
available, on the IP addresses registered for the cable modem (IP CABLE MODEM)
and server of the system that supplies the updating software (IP TFTP SERVER).
By means of function IP the CMTS of the head informs, whenever the
information is available, to near directions IP registered for the modem cable (IP CABLE
MODEM), of the servant of the system that provides the hour (IP TOD SERVER) and of
the servant of the system that provides to the software of update (IP TFTP) SERVER)
as well as the name of the data file of configuration (CONFIG CASES).
Figure 21. - Measurements in registered mode, IP report.
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