Instrucciones de funcionamiento Mantenimiento Instrucciones de desmontaje Montaje de la herramienta Purgado de la herramienta Montaje general de la herramienta de colocación T51 73410-02000 Montaje general de la herramienta de colocación T51 73410-02000 Mantenimiento de la herramienta Diario Semanal Cada 1200 horas de funcionamiento (una vez al año como mínimo)
R e g l a s d e s e g u r i d a d El presente manual de instrucciones debe ser leído, con una atención especial a las siguientes normas de seguridad, por cualquier persona que instale, haga funcionar o que repare esta herramienta. No utilice la máquina para otro propósito que no sea aquel para el que está...
U s o p r e v i s t o La herramienta de colocación T51 es básicamente un conjunto formado por un pistón y un cilindro. Cuando se acopla hidráulica y eléctricamente a una fuente de potencia hidráulica compatible y se conecta el conjunto de boquilla correspondiente, se utiliza para ®...
P u e s t a e n s e r v i c i o P r i n c i p i o d e f u n c i o n a m i e n t o IMPORTANTE Lea atentamente las normas de seguridad de la página 4 Cuando ambas mangueras y el cable de control están conectados al HydraPac, los ciclos de tracción y retorno de la herramienta se...
M a n t e n i m i e n t o I n s t r u c c i o n e s d e d e s m o n t a j e IMPORTANTE Asegúrese de apagar el HydraPac antes de extraer la herramienta o la boquilla. •...
M a n t e n i m i e n t o M o n t a j e d e l a h e r r a m i e n t a Examine y sustituya todas las piezas que estén desgastadas. Instale un kit de servicio nuevo 29. •...
D e c l a r a c i ó n d e c o n f o r m i d a d Avdel UK Limited, Watchmead Industrial Estate, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 1LY declara bajo su única responsabilidad que el producto: Modelo: 73410-02000 Con número de serie ..........
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Since 1922 Since 1 936 2010 ALEMANIA COREA DEL SUR REINO UNIDO INDIA Avdel Deutschland GmbH Infastech (Korea) Ltd. Infastech Fastening Technologies Avdel UK Limited Klusriede 24 212-4, Suyang-Ri, Pacific House India Private Limited 30851 Langenhagen Silchon-Eup, Kwangju-City, Plot No OZ-14, Hi Tech SEZ, 2 Swiftfields Tel: +49 (0) 511 7288 0...
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I n s t r u c t i o n M a n u a l O r i g i n a l I n s t r u c t i o n T 5 1 I n s t a l l a t i o n To o l H y d ro - E l e c t r i c P o w e r To o l...
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C o n t e n t s Safety Specifications Intent of Use Tool Specification Tool Dimensions Putting into Service Principle of Operation Preparation for Use Hydraulic Hose Kit Operating Instructions Maintenance Dismantling Instructions Assembling the Tool To Bleed the Tool General Assembly of Installation Tool 73410-02000 General Assembly Parts List...
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S a f e t y R u l e s This instruction manual must be read with particular attention to the following safety rules, by any person installing, operating, or servicing this tool. Do not use outside the design intent. Do not use equipment with this tool/machine other than that recommended by Avdel UK Limited.
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s I n t e n t o f u s e The T51 Installation Tool is basically a Piston and Cylinder Assembly. When coupled Hydraulically and Electrically to a compatible ®...
P u t t i n g i n t o S e r v i c e IMPORTANT Read the safety rules on page 4 carefully P r i n c i p a l o f O p e r a t i o n When both hoses and control cord are connected to the HydraPac, the pull and return cycles of the tool are controlled by depressing and releasing the trigger switch located in the handle respectively.
M a i n t e n a n c e A s s e m b l i n g t h e To o l Examine and replace all worn parts. Fit a new Service Kit 29. • Apply hydraulic oil to all 'O' rings, back-up rings and contact surfaces before fitting.
S e r v i c i n g t h e To o l D a i l y • Check for oil leaks. • Check the stroke of tool. • Check for worn anvil indicated by score marks on the installed collar. This can also be confirmed by referring to the installed data in the fastener catalogue.
F a u l t D i a g n o s i s S y m p t o m P o s s i b l e C a u s e R e m e d y P a g e R e f Tool fails to operate Inoperative HydraPac...
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F a u l t D i a g n o s i s S y m p t o m P o s s i b l e C a u s e R e m e d y P a g e R e f Jaw segments do not Improper operation of jaw Check internal parts of the...
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D e c l a r a t i o n o f C o n f o r m i t y We, Avdel UK Limited, Watchmead Industrial Estate, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 1LY declare under our sole responsibility that the product: Model: 73410-02000 Serial No.
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Since 1922 Since 1 936 2010 AUSTRALIA GERMANY MALAYSIA TAIWAN Infastech (Australia) Pty Ltd. Avdel Deutschland GmbH Infastech (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Infastech/Tri-Star Limited 891 Wellington Road Klusriede 24 Lot 63, Persiaran Bunga Tanjung 1, No 269-7, Baodong Rd, Rowville 30851 Langenhagen Senawang Industrial Park Guanmiao Township, Victoria 3178...