· What other factors in uence in maintaining the temperature of the food products?
Apart from the characteristics of the thermos, we also have to take into
consideration the type of food products that we want to place inside the thermos:
semi-solid, such as baby food and formulas maintain their temperature much better
than solid food products, such as meat, omelet, pasta... Likewise factors such as the
food cooking temperature, sauces, amount of food or the room temperature can all
make the temperature of the food vary more quickly.
· What kind of recipient should I use so that baby food will hold the temperature for
a longer period of time?
The best option is a screw top thermos, with an air-tight sealing mechanism that
will maintain the temperature, avoiding the aqueous phase from arising in the baby
formula. It is to be taken into account that for temperature to be maintained we rst
have to preheat the thermos by pouring boiling water inside and then keeping it
closed for a few minutes. Then we ll it as fast as possible with the formula, up to
80% of its capacity so that the temperature can be easily maintained and we do not
remove the cover until the food is to be used.
· What should I do if the thermos has created a vacuum e ect and I am unable to
open it?
If the thermos has created a vacuum, rst heat it up with a blow dryer or introduce
it with the mouth down in hot water (not boiling water), so that the sealing
mechanism will be submerged, which will cause the lid to expand, making it easier
to open.
· A series of black spots have appeared on my thermos. Are they toxic?
Some components in food, such as salt, iron, sugar, etc. could give rise to the
appearance of spots on the steel. These spots are completely harmless. If this
happens, ll the thermos with a solution of warm water and 10% vinegar, let it rest
during 30 minutes and then rinse it out with abundant water.
· What does it mean when stainless steel is 304 (18/8)?
There are several types and qualities of steel. 304 is the highest quality steel, which
is normally used in these types of products. 18/8 represents its chemical
composition, containing 18% chrome and 8% nickel. This composition makes it
highly resistant.