Gallagher 3E0682 Mains Energizer User Manual
Power on:
Indicates normal
operati on
M500: This energizer complies with the requirements for a ti me delayed electric
fence energizer with a ti me delay of 15 seconds.
Power On Light
Green light constant- Normal operati on
Output voltage bargraph
The output voltage bargraph will pulse with every energizer pulse. Each
colour segment gives an approximate indicati on of the fence performance.
The bargraph is read in the following manner:
Green Segments
Yellow Segments
Red Segments
Use this bar graph for quick indicati on of your energizer and Fence performance.
Earth Terminal:
Connects to Earth
Your fence is performing well. No att enti on is required.
Your fence is under some load but is sti ll delivering an
eff ecti ve shock.
Your fence is under heavy load and requires maintenance.
Output voltage bar
Quick indicati on of the voltage
at the energizer
Output Terminal:
Connects to Fence