Appendix 5: Calculation sheet for checking
projected route
Follow the three steps below to check whether the desired route for the concentric chimney exhaust is permitted.
1. Sketch the desired route and use it as a basis for filling in the information required in the table below. You can
disregard the actual roof or wall sleeve here.
Number of metres, vertical
Number of metres, horizontal
Number of metres at an angle of 45°
Number of elbows up to 45°: ... x 0.5 metres per elbow
Number of elbows up to 90°: ... x 1.0 metres per elbow
2. Use the data above to calculate the values in the following table:
Total resistance length = (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)+(5)
Total vertical length = (1)
Total horizontal length = (2)+(4)+(5)
Total vertical length minus Total horizontal length = V - H
3. Use the table below to determine whether the desired route is permitted and what the position of the restric-
tion plate should be for the appliance to function optimally.
Top con-
L > 12
V < 1
(2) ≥ 3
R < 0
0 ≤ R < 2
2 ≤ R < 4
Back connection
L > 12
V < 1
(2) ≥ 3
R < -1
-1 ≤ R < 1
1 ≤ R < 3
Abbreviation Result
Assessment of route
route not permitted
route not permitted
route not permitted
route not permitted
route permitted
route permitted
Subject to change because of technical improvements
... metre
... metre
... metre
... metre
... metre
... metre
... metre
... metre
... metre
Position of restriction
No restriction required
Position 1