Signature: To add a signature or other information to
outgoing email.
Period to synchronize email: Configures how many days worth
of emails the device and server should synchronize. Choose from:
One day,Three days, One week, Two weeks, or All.
Period to synchronize calendar : Configures how many days
worth of calendar the device and server should synchronize..
Choose from : Two weeks, One month, Three month, Six
month, or All
Email check frequency: Configures the frequency which the
device queries the remote server for new email changes.
Choose from: Automatic (Push), Never, Every 15minutes,
Every 30 minutes, Every hour, Every 2 hour, or Every 4
Inbox Sort by : Set the sort order of Inbox. Choose from :
Date, Subject, Sender, or Size.
Roaming : Auto retrieve while roaming.
Default account: Assigns this account as the default
account used when sending out new emails.
Ask before deleting: When mail is going to delete the first
asks whether to delete.
Accounts and Messaging