To use Bridge mode, place the DIP switch 3 and 4 ON. The corresponding indicator
located on the front panel will light up (BRIDGE). The amplifier gain will be controlled
exclusively by CHA gain potentiometer.
IMPORTANT: The recommended load impedance for bridge mode is 8 Ohm. If the
load impedance is 4 Ohm, each power module will work at an effective impedance of
2 Ohm, and therefore permanent installations are discouraged in these conditions
(see "Load Capacity" section). Please check the specifications table to learn the
delivered power in Bridge mode.
CAUTION: In this situation, it could be dangerous to handle the output connectors
by non-authorized personnel, due to high voltage delivered.
The SM Series are equipped with electronically controlled forced ventilation, which is
carried out by two turbines situated at the rear panel. According to the temperature,
two different fan speeds are set. It is very important to favour the good air circulation
to keep the equipment in a stable temperature work pattern; therefore any possible
obstruction must be avoided both in the rear and front part.
In addition, an
installation close to heat generator sources or lack of ventilation must be avoided
(closed racks).
ATTENTION: As the forced air circulation can produce the introduction of dust and
dirtiness in general over the internal heatsink, it is highly recommended to make an
internal cleaning operation often, at least once a year, depending on the particular
circumstances of each installation or use.
NOTE: Any deterioration of the amplifier caused by an evident presence of dirtiness
and/or internal humidity, will EXCLUDE of any right of application of the Warranty for
this product.
Once the mains, loudspeaker and sound sources (input) connections have been
made correctly, start up the pre-amp sources and then press the ON/OFF switch.
Turn the volume controls clockwise to obtain the maximum gain.
The amplifier is equipped with a Soft Start circuit, which assures a gentle, pop free
start up, avoiding stress to the loudspeakers.
In order to obtain the maximum dynamic range from the amplifier, it is recommended
to set always the gain controls to the maximum, and control the output power by
regulating the signal level at the amplifier's input (using the corresponding mixer,
crossover, equalizer or processor gain control).
When the maximum output power has been exceeded in any of both channels
(clipping/distortion), this will be indicated by the corresponding led LIMITER, advising