Cabasse StreamCONTROL setup
After downloading the
application, tap on the
launcher icon to run
Cabasse StreamCONTROL.
If StriimCONTROL does not
detect a StriimLIGHT device
in your network, the setup
wizard starts the first time
you launch the application.
Choose to install AwoX
StriimLIGHT Wi-Fi.
The wizard guides you
through all the steps for connecting
your AwoX StriimLIGHT Wi-Fi device
to your local network to begin playing your music.
StriimLIGHT Wi-Fi extends the range of your home Wi-Fi
network. StriimLIGHT Wi-Fi automatically serves as a wireless
range extender for other devices. When you scan for Wi-Fi
networks with your device (such as a computer, smartphone,
or tablet), you will see a network with the same name as your
regular network, with a "-EXT" extension. You may simply
choose to connect to this network access point using the
same key or password as your regular access point.
AwoX StriimLIGHT Wi-Fi - Quick-start guide| 9