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3 in (77 mm) 11,000 RPM
Please read, understand and follow all safety information contained in these instructions prior to the use of this tool. Retain these
instructions for future reference.
This pneumatic tool is intended for use in industrial locations, and used only by skilled, trained professionals in accordance with the in-
structions in this manual. It is designed to be used with the disc pad, and appropriate 3M foam buffing pads and with appropriate buffing
or polishing compounds for buffing metals, wood, stone, plastics and other materials. It should only be used for such buffing applications
and within marked capacity and ratings. Only accessories specifically recommended by 3M should be used with this tool. Use in any
other manner or with other accessories could lead to unsafe operating conditions.
Do not operate tool in water or in an excessively wet application.
Do not use disc pads that have a Max RPM less than the tool Max RPM rating.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury
and/or property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate
injury and/or property damage.
To reduce the risks associated with impact from abrasive product, disc pad, or tool breakup, sharp edges, hazardous
pressure, rupture, vibration and noise:
• Read, understand and follow the safety information contained in these instructions prior to the use of this tool. Retain these
instructions for future reference.
• Only personnel who are properly trained should be allowed to service this tool.
• Practice safety requirements. Work alert, have proper attire, and do not operate tools under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• Operators and other personnel must always wear protection for eyes, ears, and respiratory protection when in the work area or
while operating this product. Follow your employer's safety policy for PPE's and/or ANSI Z87. or local/national standards for
eyewear and other personal protective equipment requirements.
• Wear protective apparel, taking into consideration the type of work being done.
• Never exceed marked maximum input pressure (90psi / .62Mpa / 6.2Bars).
• Proper eye protection must be worn at all times.
• Tool shall not be operated in the presence of bystanders.
• If you notice any abnormal noise or vibration when operating the tool, immediately discontinue its use and inspect for worn or
damaged components. Correct or replace the suspect component. If abnormal noise or vibration still exists, return the tool to 3M
for repair or replacement. Refer to warranty instructions.
• Never operate this tool without all safety features in place and in proper working order.
• Never over-ride or disable the safety features of the start-stop control such that it is in the on position.
• Make sure the tool is disconnected from its air source before servicing, inspecting, maintaining, cleaning, and before changing
abrasive product.
• Prior to use, inspect abrasive product and accessories for possible damage. If damaged, replace with new abrasive product and
accessories available from 3M.
• Only use accessories supplied or recommended by 3M.
• Never allow this tool to be used by children or other untrained people.
• Do not leave an unattended tool connected to air source.
3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer
Important Safety Information
Intended Use
Explanation of Signal Word Consequences

Original Instructions
Revision 06009


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para 3M 28333

  • Página 1 This pneumatic tool is intended for use in industrial locations, and used only by skilled, trained professionals in accordance with the in- structions in this manual. It is designed to be used with the disc pad, and appropriate 3M foam buffing pads and with appropriate buffing or polishing compounds for buffing metals, wood, stone, plastics and other materials.
  • Página 2 ITEM NO. TORQUE SETTINGS in.-lbs (N-m) 55 - 65 (6.2 - 7.3) XPA1398 21 - 30 (2.4 - 3.4) 20 - 25 (2.2 - 2.8) 27 - 30 (3.0 - 3.4) 60 - 72 (6.8 - 8.1) 3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer Revision 06009...
  • Página 3: Parts List

    SPINDLE A0146 28134 17 mm PAD WRENCH A0018 28105 RETAINING RING 20350 20350 3M™ Hookit™ Clean Sanding Disc Pad- 3” x 1/2” x 1/4-20 Ext. Various Various Finesse-it™ Foam Buffing Pad (3.25” or 3.75” Diameter) 30331 30331 HANGER 30332 30332...
  • Página 4 3M cannot be held responsible for the consequences of using declared values instead of actual exposure values for any individual risk assessment.
  • Página 5: Safety Precautions

    Safety Precautions . Read all instructions before using this tool. All operators 3M disc and buff pads are perfectly mated for use on the must be fully trained in its use and aware of these safety 3M Buffer. Constructed from premium, industrial-quality rules.
  • Página 6 Limitation of Liability: Except where prohibited by law, 3M and the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is seller will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M fit for a particular purpose and suitable for the user’s method product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequen- of application.
  • Página 7: Directives De Sécurité Importantes

    à respecter les directives énoncées dans le présent manuel. Cette polisseuse est conçue pour être utilisée avec le tampon pour disques ainsi qu’avec les tampons à lustrer en mousse 3M et les pâtes à lustrer ou à polir appropriés afin de polir des métaux, le bois, la pierre ainsi que les plastiques et autres matériaux.
  • Página 8 N° de pièce Réglage du couple nm (po-lb) 55 - 65 (6.2 - 7.3) XPA1398 21 - 30 (2.4 - 3.4) 20 - 25 (2.2 - 2.8) 27 - 30 (3.0 - 3.4) 60 - 72 (6.8 - 8.1) 3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer Revision 06009...
  • Página 9: Liste Des Pièces

    BAGUE DE RETENUE 20350 20350 Tampon pour disques de ponçage propre Hookit™ 3M™ – 3 po x ½ po x ¼ po – 20 ext. Divers Divers Tampon à lustrer en mousse Finesse-it™ (diamètre de 3,25 po ou de 3,75 po)
  • Página 10: Directives D'uTilisation

    À ces fins, débrancher la conduite d’air, puis verser 2 à 3 gouttes d’huile de graissage pour moteurs pneumatiques dans l’entrée de la conduite (côté arrivée d’air). Huiles appropriées : lubrifiant 3M™ pour outils pneumatiques, réf. 205; Kosan FK-20 de Fuji;...
  • Página 11: Mesures De Sécurité

    à travailler. Cela permettra d’empêcher la formation de rayures en rai- Tampon de polissage en mousse orange Finesse-it™ 3M™, 3 ¼ po 02648 son de la grande vitesse de rotation du tampon à lustrer.
  • Página 12: Déclaration De Conformité De L'UE

    été apportées à ce jour. Description: 3M™ Polisseuse, diamètre orbitale de 76 mm (3 po) x 12 mm (15/32 po) Numéros de produit : 28333 Les normes ci-dessous ont servi, en tout ou en partie, de référence ou d’exigences de conformité.
  • Página 13: Uso Específico

    Fue pensada para ser usada con la almohadilla para disco, las almohadillas de espuma de goma para pulimentar correspondientes de 3M y los compuestos para pulimentar o pulir metales, madera, piedra, plástico y demás materiales, que correspondan.
  • Página 14: Página De Las Partes

    DEL TORQUE (N-m) 55 - 65 (6.2 - 7.3) XPA1398 21 - 30 (2.4 - 3.4) 20 - 25 (2.2 - 2.8) 27 - 30 (3.0 - 3.4) 60 - 72 (6.8 - 8.1) 3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer Revision 06009...
  • Página 15: Lista De Piezas

    LLAVE DE TUERCAS PARA ALMOHADILLA DE 17 mm A0018 28105 RETÉN Almohadilla para Disco de Lijado Limpio Hookit™ de 3M™ - 3 pulg. x 1/2 20350 20350 pulg. x 1/4-20 Ext. Almohadilla de Espuma de Goma para Pulimentar Finesse-it™ (3,25...
  • Página 16: Configuraciones / Especificaciones Del Producto: Pulimentadora De Órbita Aleatoria De .000 Rpm

    3M no puede ser responsable de las consecuencias del uso de los valores declarados en lugar de los valores de exposición reales para cualquier evaluación de riesgo individual.
  • Página 17: Precauciones De Seguridad

    . Lea todas las instrucciones antes de usar esta herramienta. Todos los operadores deben estar completamente capacita- Las almohadillas para disco y de pulimentado de 3M se dos sobre su uso y estar familiarizados con estas reglas de adaptan perfectamente a la Pulimentadora de 3M. Construidos seguridad.
  • Página 18: Ec Declaración De Conformidad

    Directiva de Maquinaria 2006/42/EC; así como con todas las enmiendas hasta la fecha. Descripción: 3M™ Pulimentadora, con diámetro de órbita de 76 mm (3") x 12 mm (15/32") Números de Parte: 28333 Se ha hecho referencia a los siguientes estándares, o se ha cumplido con ellos por completo o en...
  • Página 19: Informações De Segurança Importantes

    Esta ferramenta pneumática é feita para uso em locais industriais, e para ser usada por profissionais capacitados, treinados, de acordo com as instruções neste manual. É feita para ser usada com a boina de disco, e boinas de polimento de espuma da 3M apropriadas, e com componentes de polimento ou lixamento apropriados para lixar metais, madeira, pedra, plásticos, e outros materiais.
  • Página 20 NÚMERO DO ITEM CONFIGURAÇÃO DE TORQUE 10.-lbs. (N-m) 55 - 65 (6.2 - 7.3) XPA1398 21 - 30 (2.4 - 3.4) 20 - 25 (2.2 - 2.8) 27 - 30 (3.0 - 3.4) 60 - 72 (6.8 - 8.1) 3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer Revision 06009...
  • Página 21: Lista De Peças

    28105 ANEL DE RETENÇÃO 20350 20350 Boina para disco de lixagem limpa Hookit” da 3M™ - Ext. 3 pol x 1/2 pol x 1/4-20 Diversos Diversos Boina de polimento de espuma Finesse-it™ (Diâmetro de 3.25 pol ou 3.75 pol) 30331 30331 ALÇA...
  • Página 22: Antes Da Operação

    A 3M não se responsabiliza pelas conseqüências do uso de valores declarados em vez de valores reais de exposição para qualquer avaliação individual de risco.
  • Página 23: Precauções De Segurança

    Precauções de Segurança . Leia todas as instruções antes de usar esta ferramenta. As boinas de lixamento e de disco da 3M são perfeitamente Todos os operadores devem estar totalmente treinados no ajustada para uso na Lixadeira da 3M. Feito com materiais seu uso e cientes destas regras de segurança.
  • Página 24: Declaração De Conformidade Da Ce

    Diretriz de Ferramentas 2006/42/EC juntamente com todas as emendas publicadas até esta data. Descrição: 3M™ Lixadeira, diâmetro da órbita de 76 mm (3 pol) x 12 mm (15/32 pol) Modelo número: 28333 Os padrões a seguir foram usados como referência, ou foram cumpridos parcial ou integralmente conforme aplicável:...
  • Página 25 • 决不要超过标示的最大输入压力(90psi / .62Mpa / 6.2Bars)。 • 必须总是佩戴好正确的眼睛保护器材。 • 在旁观者在场的情况下,不要操作本工具。 • 在操作该产品的时候,如果你注意到任何异常的噪音或者振动,请立即停止其使用,并检查各个组件是否有磨损或者损坏。 纠正或 更换可疑组件。 如果异常噪音仍然存在,请将工具送回3M进行修理或者更换。 请参阅保修说明。 • 如果所有安全措施都没有到位,而且工作状况不就绪的话,决不要操作本工具。 • 决不要撤消或停用起止控制的安全功能,这样使其一直处于开通位置。 • 在维修、检查、养护、清洁之前以及在更换研磨产品之前,要先确保该工具已从其气源断开。 • 在使用之前,先检查研磨产品和配件是否有可能的损坏。 如果已受损,用3M可供应的新研磨产品和配件进行更换。 • 只使用由3M供应或推荐的配件。 • 决不允许儿童或其他未经培训的人使用本工具。 • 不要使无人看管的工具连接气源。 原本译文 3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer Revision 06009...
  • Página 26 力矩设置10.-磅。 (N-m) 55 - 65 (6.2 - 7.3) XPA1398 21 - 30 (2.4 - 3.4) 20 - 25 (2.2 - 2.8) 27 - 30 (3.0 - 3.4) 60 - 72 (6.8 - 8.1) 3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer Revision 06009...
  • Página 27 垫圈 A0017 28104 贝尔维尔垫圈 B0312 28183 主轴 A0090 28127 17 mm砂碟扳钳 A0018 28105 挡圈 20350 20350 3M Hookit” 清洁砂光碟- 3英寸 x 1/2英寸 x 1/4-20外部尺寸 各种 各种 Finesse-it泡沫磨光盘(3.25英寸或者3.75英寸的直径) “ 30331 30331 挂钩 30332 30332 M8攻纹插头 30328 30328 垫圈 30362 30362 护罩...
  • Página 28 If run at lower pressure the performance of the tool is reduced 建议进气管之 建议进气管之 气压 尺寸 ━ 最小 长度 ━ 最大 最大工作气压 6.2bar 90psig 10mm 3/8in 8 公尺 25 英呎 建议之最小值 不适用 不适用 3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer Revision 06009...
  • Página 29 1. 断开磨光器的空气管路。 2. 用T-20 Torx螺丝刀取下现有的两个(2) M8螺纹插头和垫圈组 球形阀 件(项目编号27和28)*。 排放阀 3. 使用T-20 Torx螺丝刀、M8螺纹插头和垫圈组件(项目编号 27和28)将挂钩固定到工具上*。 *注意:如果需要的话,可使用2.5毫米的Allen扳钳代替T-20 Torx螺丝刀 至位於或 安装备选的侧手柄 空气软管 靠近工具 的连结器 1. 断开磨光器的空气管路。 空压机与储气槽 2. 用T-20 Torx螺丝刀从预定的砂光机侧面取下现有的M8螺纹 插头和垫圈组件(项目编号27和28)*。 图一 3. 将M8螺纹侧手柄拧入工具中。用手牢靠地拧紧。 4. 如果侧手柄和工具挂钩一起使用,侧手柄将直接取代现有的 M8螺纹插头和垫圈组件(项目编号27和28)。 3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer Revision 06009...
  • Página 30 Limitation of Liability: Except where prohibited by law, 3M and the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is seller will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M fit for a particular purpose and suitable for the user’s method product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequen- of application.
  • Página 31 3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer Revision 06009...
  • Página 32 3M 3 in. Random Orbital Buffer Revision 06009...

Tabla de contenido