12. The different ways to view
The standard way to view the picture from your camera is by using the LCD monitor as you have
done in the installation, but you can also view in three other ways:
Viewing through horseCam Online
horseCam Online is free during the first 30 days, and you can watch over your horses from
anywhere in the world, using a mobile phone or computer with an internet connection.
After the first 30 days, further subscription to the service is entirely optional.
To install and broadcast your picture, go to http://horsecam-online.com, click on Broadcast and
follow the instructions.
Viewing locally on a computer
1. Insert the driver installation CD into the computer
to install the drivers for the USB adapter and the
application for viewing the camera.
2. Open Autostart.exe if it doesn't start automatically.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
3. Connect the USB adapter to the videoLink using
the AV cable. (Red to red, yellow to yellow)
4. Connect the USB adapter to the USB 2.0 port. The s ystem will complete the installation.
Viewing on a tV
1. Connect the AV-cable to the videoLink and then to your TV. (Red to red, yellow to yellow.)
2. Choose the AV-In/Video Channel on your TV.
Do NOt connect the USB
device to computer USB
port before installation of
the drivers!
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