Notes: If you don't see 808 Encore in the list of Bluetooth devices on your phone, choose
"Scan" from your phone's Bluetooth menu.
The process of enabling Bluetooth and connecting varies from device to device. See
your device's owners manual for more information and specific instructions.
5. Start playing music on your device
The speaker starts streaming your music wirelessly.
Note: Make sure your device's volume is set to at least 75%.
Bluetooth Wireless Connection Tips
• Make sure the Bluetooth capability of your device is turned on.
• Make sure there's nothing plugged into the speaker's LINE IN jack when you're trying
to use Bluetooth.
• The Bluetooth wireless connection works up to a range of roughly 33 feet (10 meters).
This range may vary, however, based on other factors, such as room layout, wall
material, obstacles, your device's Bluetooth performance, etc. If you're having problems
connecting to the speaker, move closer to it.
• If your device asks you for a password to connect, use "0000".
Notes About USB Audio/Charging
• If you're charging your phone, make sure you unplug the USB device when you turn the
speaker off. If you turn the speaker back on with a USB device plugged in and USB A
or USB B selected as the source, the speaker will enter its firmware update mode and
automatically power off and on.
• If the speaker's battery is running low and it's not plugged in, the speaker might stop
charging USB devices to conserve power. If the speaker's battery is critically low, the
speaker will power off—you should plug the speaker in to charge its battery.