Looking at the Caller ID list
The phone stores the data of the last 35 calls received including "OUT
OF AREA" and "PRIVATE" calls. It keeps track of all calls received;
even if they were not answered.
Viewing the Caller ID list
When the phone is not in use, the dislay shows the following.
Number of calls which
you have not viewed
Number of calls which
you have already viewed
Today's date and current time
You can look through the data in the Caller ID list to check the number
and/or name of the calls received.
• If batteries are expired, the i indicator is displayed. Change the batteries as
soon as possible; otherwise the Caller ID list will be erased.
• If you have not viewed the "NEW 1" data, other "NEW" data will not be
counted as the "OLD" data even after you have viewed them.
• If you press (+) in step 1, five short error beeps will sound.
• When you have checked all the data by pressing (+), "TOP OF LIST"
appears. If you press (+) again, five short error beeps will sound.
• When you have checked all the data by pressing (–), "END OF LIST"
appears. If you press (–) again, five short error beeps will sound.
You can view the Caller ID list during conversation also by following the steps
NEW 12 OLD 23
Press (–).
The data of the newest call
appears for 20 seconds.
Press (–) to display older data
or (+) to display newer data.
Caller ID Features